Thursday, February 5, 2009

No Stories!

I have absolutely ZERO stories in my inbox. So. when this happens, I'm forced to share one of my own. :)

This is me and my lovely daughter, doing some laundry. She's a big helper. BUT the story..
See that speaker in the background? The one with the big hole? Yep. & See that cookie jar? The cookie jar that comes with shapes. Yep. Apparently, the speaker is a perfect place to stash those shapes. Oh! And not only the shapes, but little puffs, spoons, anything small enough to get her hands on - is IN the speaker!!
We usually empty it at the end of the day to see what treasures our daughter has buried. :)
Now send me some stories!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! We don't have kids yet, so I'm sorry that I can't submit a story for you just yet, but you've got a great blog! :)

  2. hehehe! I love your site.


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