Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gaggy gag gag.

My 2 year old had her cute little teacups out the other night. She had her juice from McDonald's. She brought me over a little cup ,while I was blogging, with some juice. Aww, cute Lil Rambler....sip, sip, sip, AHHH. Here you go...she smiles contently.

I then wondered how she poured the juice in without spilling it. So I looked over the laptop and watched in horror. She sipped her juice through her straw and spit it back out into the teacup.

Gaggy gag gag. I know she's my kid. But still.
You know me and my gag reflex!

Submitted by The Rambler.


  1. Ewwww, I would be ill!!! LOL
    Thansk for stopping by my blog!

  2. Kids are so generous! They even share their saliva.

    thanks for dropping by!


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